Everybody’s Got a Story
“Everybody’s Got a Story” is a new documentary film created and directed by students AC Wilson and Will Watkins and produced by Artist Mentors Chad Amour and Mark Collier. The short film tackles the topic of diversity through a spoken word performance performed by Will and written by AC, and in a spirited conversation between four high school students from diverse backgrounds: Faith, AC, Clara and Mohammed. The film will be screened at IA Studios during Art-A- Whirl weekend May 20-22, with two special screenings Saturday May 21st at 5:30pm and 6:15pm that include a Q+A time with AC and Will.
Check out this great blog post by Dani Tietjen at Gatherhaus about the project including interviews with AC and Will.
Gatherhaus Article and Interviews with AC and Will
Next steps? Local screenings are planned for the summer in order to spark conversation between the filmmakers and local high school students. Once these screenings take place, the film will be released for the public through social media. Stay tuned!
The project is funded through an Arts Activities Grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council (MRAC), made possible by the voters of Minnesota thanks to a legislative appropriation from the arts and cultural heritage fund.