MCE Kenya Art Camp

MCE Kenya Art Camp

By Seth Luchemos – Art Camp Director The recent week-long Art Camp at Mathare Children’s Education (MCE) was a vibrant and enriching experience for all participants! The camp offered a diverse range of learning opportunities, including music, dance, visual arts, video and photography, and fashion.   Music: Students explored various musical disciplines, including keyboard playing, song…

Recreation Factory Update

Recreation Factory Update

Seth Luchemos is our Kenyan business partner who leads Recreation Factory School of Arts and RF Audio Visual. Watch this update to learn about the amazing things he is doing to use creativity to bring hope and transformation to his community! Here are a few photos of a recent Art Camp at Gardenbrook school led…

Mathare Art Camp 2024

Mathare Art Camp 2024

By Seth Luchemos – Director and Artist Mentor The theme for our Art Camp at Mathare Community Outreach (MCO) was Discovering and Unleashing our Creative Light. During Art Week at MCO, the Music class was exciting and interesting, recording six original songs composed by the students themselves. They also picked up some keyboard skills, learning…

Pasadena Art Camp 2024

Pasadena Art Camp 2024

“Boundless Creations” was the title of Art Camp in Pasadena, CA in partnership with Montrose Church – Bresee Campus and Stars. This year we had our largest registration ever! Over one hundred and thirty students from first through twelfth grades joined us in the adventure of discovering their creative gifts and talents! The younger students…

The Park Place Photography

The Park Place Photography

By Artist Mentor – David Pellinen The Inverted Arts photography camp at The Park Place in Minneapolis July 8-11th was a vibrant display of creativity and enthusiasm. Each day we learned techniques and skills, then practiced capturing and editing images. We discussed and executed different types of photography, such as nature, portraits, sports, products, and…

Hope Academy 2024

Hope Academy 2024

We just wrapped up our fourteenth summer Art Exploration Program at Hope Academy in South Minneapolis! This year we offered five creative options for one hundred middle school students: photography, music production, spoken word, theater, and dance. Our team of Artist Mentors included: Elliot Malcolm – photography, Pierre Fulford – music production, Joe Davis –…

Kfraji Production

Kfraji Production

In addition to their work filming weddings and special events, Kenyan business partner Kfraji Production has been busycreating an original drama series called “MY PARTNER.” They have completed development and idea generation, pre-production, and production, and they are currently in post production. The next step is distribution where they hope to sell the series to…

$26,000 Raised!

$26,000 Raised!

A BIG THANK YOU to everyone who helped us raise just over $26,000 for our scholarships and small business partners during our Spring Fundraiser! Special thanks to everyone who attended the Dessert event at Church of the Open Door. It was so much fun to be together! Special thanks to the talented Joe Davis and…

CAGOC Building Dedication

CAGOC Building Dedication

We are celebrating with our friends at Mission of Hope for the Disabled in Liberia on the dedication of the Creative Arts Group of Companies (CAGOC) building that will be home for our three Liberian Business partners: James Prowd, Joetta Togbah and Daniel Kapu. Join us in the excitement by watching the video above. Thank…