Pasadena Art Camp
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Pasadena Art Camp

Thank you for helping 80 students from NW Pasadena discover they are “created 2 create!” Our second annual Art Camp took place the last week of July and each day elementary students explored their talents in dance, visual art, drums and theater, while middle schoolers experimented with music production, wrote some amazing songs, and painted…

Art Exploration Program and Showcase – Hope 2018
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Art Exploration Program and Showcase – Hope 2018

This was our eighth year partnering with Hope Academy in S. Minneapolis during their summer session! We offered our Art Exploration program for 85 middle school students and 10 high school interns with classes in Filmmaking, Photo-storytelling, Song Writing, Theater and Speed Painting. The purpose of the program was to offer a creative platform for…

Art Exploration at Hope Academy
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Art Exploration at Hope Academy

This is our eighth year partnering with Hope Academy during their summer session through our Art Exploration program for 85 middle school students and 10 high school interns. The purpose of the program is to offer a creative platform for students to explore and unleash their creative voices and our theme is “created2create!” We’ve just…

Meet 2018 Scholarship Recipient Grace Johnson
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Meet 2018 Scholarship Recipient Grace Johnson

Inverted Arts is thrilled to announce that Grace Johnson is our 2018 Twin Cities Scholarship Recipient! Congratulations Grace! Grace has been part of Inverted Arts programs from the very beginning. As a middle schooler she participated in our Art Exploration Programs at Hope Academy, and later became a high school intern and assistant in the…

2018 Dinner, Auction and Dance Party Recap
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2018 Dinner, Auction and Dance Party Recap

Thanks to everyone who participated in our fourth annual Dinner, Auction and Dance Party! Thanks to all of you we raised $13,500 FOR SCHOLARSHIPS! Enjoy this one-minute video recap of the night 2018 IA Dinner, Auction and Dance Party Recap from Inverted Arts on Vimeo. [columns] [span6] Special Thanks: Event Sponsors: Famous Dave’s    …

2018 Dinner, Auction and Dance Party
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2018 Dinner, Auction and Dance Party

Friday, May 11th, 2018 at 6pm The Grain Belt Atrium 79 – 13th Avenue NE, Minneapolis, MN 55413 (Map)   Tickets $50 per person (OR $350/table of 8) Email questions to Dress: Business Casual Cash Bar Inverted Arts is working to help disadvantaged youth discover and unleash their creative voices and you are invited to…

Winter Art Show – Thank you!
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Winter Art Show – Thank you!

Thanks to everyone who came out to our Winter Art Show last Saturday and supported these brilliant Artists! Grace Johnson Grace is a recent high school graduate​ from Hope Academy in Minneapolis, MN​ who is developing her love of sketching, painting and designing. Her influences range from E.H. Shepard to Vincent van Gogh to her personal…