Our Three Newest Partners

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We’ve just added information on our website about our three newest partners and you can read more about each one by clicking on the partner name or logo below. Minnesota Teen Challenge Inverted Arts is executive producing a first-ever studio … Continued

Kariobangi Choir Recording Sessions

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During our recent trip to Nairobi, Kenya we had the opportunity to record the Kariobangi Children’s Home Choir. These kids are all orphans, many due to HIV/AIDS, and despite the extreme challenges they all face they share their musical talent … Continued

Mathare Art Camp Pictures

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Here are pictures and video from the Inverted Arts Camp in the Mathare Valley Slum in Nairobi, Kenya. The Camp was held August 15-19 and offered students classes in music, photography and video. The students presented their original creative works … Continued

Environment Does Not Dictate Talent

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“Environment does not dictate talent!” These were the words of encouragement spoken to the students by one of their Kenyan teachers during the Inverted Arts Camp Showcase Event at the Mathare Valley Slum in Nairobi, Kenya. In the middle of … Continued

Showcase Event Friday July 8, 2011

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Here are some great pictures from the Inverted Arts Camp Showcase Event Friday July 8 at First Covenant Church in Minneapolis. The Showcase featured the artwork of the 6th-9th grade students who attended the camp. The students created original works … Continued

MN Teen Challenge CD Project

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We’ve just begun recording bed tracks for the MN Teen Challenge CD project at The Library in NE Minneapolis. The project is being arranged, produced and mixed by Matt Patrick and Inverted Arts is overseeing executive production. Musicians include Joel … Continued