Inverted Arts Camp at Hope Academy

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Inverted Arts Camp is a collaborative, 2-week creative journey that will inspire and equip students to flip their world upside-down through the arts! During weeks 3 and 4 of Hope Academy’s summer session, Inverted Arts will bring in professional Artist … Continued

Inverted Arts Receives MRAC Grant

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Inverted Arts has just received a generous grant from the Metropolitan Regional Arts Council that will fund our first Art Camp at Hope Academy in South Minneapolis. The funds come from the Minnesota Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund as appropriated … Continued

A Note from Hope

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“We have been thrilled by our experience with Inverted Arts. They came alongside our mission to educate inner city youth and asked us what they could do to help–the first result was our  “Sounds of Hope” music CD, full of … Continued

Sounds of Hope CD Available

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Hope Academy’s “Sounds of Hope” sampler CD is now available. The CD features 11 songs: 2 by the Hope Choir, 3 from the Strings of Hope, 2 original songs by Hope Choir Director Ebony Ramquist all recorded by Bruce Balgaard … Continued

Sounds Of Hope CD

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The “Sounds of Hope” CD Sampler is being duplicated and almost ready for  Hope Academy’s “Evening of Hope” annual fundraiser event on November 11. Check out clips of some of the tracks for a sneak preview: You Say – Ebony … Continued

Recording the Strings of Hope

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On Saturday we recorded the Strings of Hope down at Hope Academy. Teacher and founder of the group, Jonathan Reaoch has done a super job with the kids and they respond really well to his instruction and guidance. Bruce Balgaard … Continued

Recording the Hope Choir

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Today was our first on-site recording session with the Hope Academy choir and the students sang two songs that will be part of the “Sounds of Hope” sampler CD. It was the first recording experience for most of them and … Continued

Success or Significance?

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I recently read an article by John Maxwell in Success magazine’s Oct 2010 edition where he talked about the difference between success and significance. Maxwell writes “Success asks, ‘how can I add value to myself?’ Significance asks, ‘how can add … Continued

What’s an Artist Mentor?

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men·tor A wise and trusted counselor, teacher or guide. A relationship where one person empowers another (at right – Odysseus asks his friend, Mentor, to be in charge of his son, Telemachus, while he is at war.) At Inverted Arts … Continued