DR- in Retrospect – Sarah

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  [singlepic id=781 w=320 h=240 float=] photo taken by Yelisa – a Photography student at the IA camp.   I think that the DR has a secret way of stopping and prolonging time. Sadly, it’s power to do so, was … Continued

Art Exploration Pics and Showcase!

posted in: Artists, Partner News | 0

Check out some great pics of all the creativity at the Art Exploration Program at Hope Academy. [nggallery id=17] We’re in the second week of a two week program for middle school students with classes in Music, Photography, Theater and … Continued

IA Promo Video 2012

posted in: Blog | 1

Ever wonder what Inverted Arts is all about? Well this video will tell you…in a nutshell.  

Sarah Albinson joins the IA Team

posted in: Artist Mentors, Blog | 0

Inverted Arts is excited to announce the hiring of Sarah Albinson as our first ever employee! Sarah has accepted a part-time position as Lead Artist Mentor – Visual Arts. Sarah is a graduate of Taylor University in Indiana with a … Continued

Friday Art Exploration Showcase

posted in: Artists, Blog, Partner News | 0

Sojourner Truth Academy middle school students have been participating in the Inverted Arts Friday Art Exploration program since January 27th. With the help of professional Artist Mentors, the students have been exploring music with Travis Scharn, photography with Becca Oehrig and physical … Continued

Friday Art Exploration at STA

posted in: Artist Mentors, Partner News | 0

The Friday Art Exploration program at Sojourner Truth Academy is underway. The program offers classes in music, photography and physical theater for middle school students at STA. Artist Mentors are Travis Scharn – music, Becca Oehrig – photography, and Betsy … Continued