Why “Inverted” Arts?
2. To reverse the position, order, or condition of.
So why “Inverted” Arts? Above all we want to change the world by turning it inside out and upside down. So many of the things that we have been told will make us happy don’t bring happiness at all. We get so focused on ourselves that we forget to invest in others, and we miss out on the amazing gifts they have to offer us.
At Inverted Arts we want to change this way of thinking. We believe in losing our lives so we can find them; spending our lives on others instead of saving them for ourselves. And the people we want to pour our lives into are young people stuck in poverty. Those young people the world sees as of least importance, we see as having the greatest importance! We believe in their beauty and potential and we know they each have a story to tell. They have dreams, hopes and talents just like you and me, but struggle to be heard. We believe that we can help reverse their position and condition by providing opportunities for their voices to be heard. Given the love, attention, tools and training, these young people can create art that changes the heart of the whole world!