Simpson Cooking Exploration
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Simpson Cooking Exploration

By Artist Mentor Don Zietlow Expressing yourself creatively can be accomplished through a variety of mediums or activities. While many of us are familiar with the more traditional art forms, such as drawing, painting, photography, and performing arts, Inverted Arts recently had the opportunity to share creativity though cooking with a group of students. In…

Children’s Residential Treatment Center
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Children’s Residential Treatment Center

By Artist Mentor Katie French Perez Every Wednesday evening for 8 weeks I headed over to the Children’s Residential Treatment Center (CRTC) to spend an hour with a group of amazing young people. Our goal was to create holiday cards using paint, collage, pen/ink, markers, pretty much anything that could make a winter-themed card sing…

created 2 create
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created 2 create

Inverted Arts is helping disadvantaged youth around the world discover that they are created 2 create! These students come from the fringes of society. They are the forgotten, neglected, and ignored. Many are at risk, coming to us from difficult family situations, violent neighborhoods, homeless shelters and slums. When students hear the words created to create…

Simpson Video Exploration
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Simpson Video Exploration

By Artist Mentor Chad Amour On October 29th in the glamorous Inverted Arts International Headquarters, eight student/mentor pairs from Simpson Housing showed up for a one-day workshop on the delightful art of niche filmmaking.  Inspired by the continuous shot technique used famously by the film Birdman and music video by OKGO, these duos created 3-minute short…

“Dorms” – Watch If You Dare!
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“Dorms” – Watch If You Dare!

“Dorms” is an original student film created, directed, produced, edited and performed by Macai and Brandy. The film was shot in the IA Studios during a recent Film Exploration Program in partnership with People Serving People. It’s a gift for you from these two talented students, just in time for Halloween night! Watch if you…

New Partners; New Fall Programs
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New Partners; New Fall Programs

We’ve started an exciting new partnership with Volunteers of America, an organization that takes on the most difficult tasks to help people gain self-reliance, dignity and hope. VOA offers more than 60 services in Minnesota and Wisconsin to help vulnerable children, adolescents, families, older adults, students, persons with disabilities and special needs, and ex-offenders. The…

Where Should I Go?
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Where Should I Go?

People Serving People (PSP) is a homeless shelter in Minneapolis serving children and their families. Throughout 2016, PSP youth staff have been bringing teens to the Inverted Arts studios to explore their creative voices in music, video, photography and visual art. Inverted Arts is a safe, creative, inspiring and loving environment where students can discover and…

Mexico 2016
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Mexico 2016

By Artist Mentor Sarah Nelson The four year relationship with Casa de Mi Familia has been a blessing to both sides, and it was wonderful to see our sweet friends and partners in Tijuana! It had been two years since we have been able to have a workshop in Mexico, and it was incredible to…

DR Art Camp 2016
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DR Art Camp 2016

After you enjoy “Encontrando Un Refugio” above, watch this short video about the impact of Art Camp 2016! Inverted Arts Dominican Republic Impact and Thank You’s 2016 (1) from Inverted Arts on Vimeo. Next, read this overview from Artist Mentor and team leader Travis Scharn (Creative Arts Pastor at FCC Santa Maria)  July 23rd – 31st…