Over $30,000 Raised!

A huge THANK YOU to everyone who was a part of our Dessert Night Fundraiser last week! Together we raised $30,287 for our scholarship students and small business partners in Liberia and Kenya! Shattering our $20,000 goal means we can allocate even more to both programs!! We are speechless and grateful! If you weren’t able to join us you can still enjoy the videos below.

1. Small Business Partner updates from Liberia and Kenya
2. “Show Up” – written by Joe Davis (spoken word)
with Delstarr (speed painting)
3. “More Like Love” – Performed by Savannah Davis (song by Ben Rector)

Thank you for helping young people around the world use their creativity to change their communities!

Small Business Partners Updates from Liberia and Kenya
“Show Up” by Joe Davis with speed painting by Delstarr
“More Like Love” (by Ben Rector) performed by Savannah Davis

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One Comment

  1. What a wonderful evening with so many participants! So proud of all who participated and for the many who supported IA! Keep up the fantastic outreach!

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