Honduras Art Camp

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Artist Mentors Chad Amour and Danielle Tietjen with Tania Mesa of Compassion International

We bring great news back with us from Honduras. The purpose of our week long adventure to bring Inverted Arts, Compassion Int. and Red Viva together to create a week long art camp in 2016 has been successful!

After meeting with both organizations on multiple occasions, it became clear that we all share a heart for the next generation to engage with their creator and find a way to deepen their relationship with Him. Traditionally, art has been a neglected means in education that hasn’t quite been developed here. However, the interest is high and the ground is fertile for the week long art camp and mentor program.

When we weren’t in meetings developing the customized Art program that will suit Honduras, we had the privilege of visiting a couple Compassion projects and found the perfect site to host the camp! We couldn’t have dreamed up a more perfect location that boasts a beautiful large church, multiple classrooms, office space, a soccer field and they even have a radio station equipped with technology that will benefit the art camp.

We enjoyed exploring the city with our friends and hosts in our downtime. We feasted on a variety of local and international fare and did some shopping in the local markets. As the week closed down, strangers became friends and our dream of bringing Inverted Arts to Honduras became a reality. On top of the traditional week long camp, we are hoping to initiate a year long artist mentorship program with the students who participate in the camp. It is our intention that as this program develops, students would realize the great gift they have in God the creator and learn how to deepen their relationship with Him through art.

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