Mathare Inverted Arts Camp 2013

Inverted Arts Camp – Mathare 2013
We are excited to be headed back to the Mathare Valley in Nairobi, Kenya to offer our third Art Camp for the students of Mathare Community Outreach (MCO). Mathare is a shanty village (located in an old quarry 2km long by 300m wide) 5 km from Nairobi with 600,000 people living in very poor conditions. Many of the residents are children and over 2,000 attend the schools run by MCO. Disease is rampant in Mathare with up to half of the residents infected with HIV, and the stream that flows through the center of the quarry is an open sewer. Mathare is also home to various tribal groups which is often the cause of tension and the reason why we have had to wait until after the Kenyan election results to accept MCO’s invitation to return.
So why do we go? We go to help the kids discover their great value and worth because they are made in God’s image with embedded beauty and potential just waiting to be unleashed. We go because we know environment does not dictate talent and each of these students have a unique perspective and a creative voice that we need to hear! This year the Art Camp runs April 22-26 with a Community Showcase event on Friday April 26 where the kids present their creative accomplishments. This year we will offer 4 classes for 60 kids (15 in each class) ages 13-18: video, visual art, music and photography.
The Artist Mentor Team:
Jason Dyer – Video
LaVonne Dyer – Visual Art
Mark Collier – Music
Henry Ochieng – Photography
*we are excited to have an MCO teacher join us as Artist Mentor this year!
Thanks you for your support!
We have exactly reached our $3,500 goal for Art Camp expenses! Expenses include week-long lunches for students and staff, MCO teacher stipends, gifts, t-shirts, Art Camp equipment and supplies, printing costs, and local transport.