Mission of Hope Art Camp Recap
By Art Camp Director James B. Prowd III
God has been faithful.
It was a great experience once again for me and the team of Artist Mentors that led the 2024 Art Camp January 29 – February 2nd. Since we started inviting other schools to join the Our Lady of Fatima School students, the news about the Art Camp has overtaken the community. The kids were more excited this year than ever!
Baking Mentor Eliza and her kids had the campers’ throats watering with their wonderful aroma that came from their kitchen each day. They were so glued to making their different kind of food each day.
Visual Arts Mentor Daniel had his class completely interested, guiding the kids through beautiful painting and coloring. The section got more interesting when he and his co-mentor introduced the African designs with the beads and slippers. The class was the most attended.
Cosmetology Mentor Joetta had the kids looking like it was a complete pageantry. The hair styles, make-up, and nail polish had them glued on their activities every day.
Photography Mentor Madison had the students shoot all the photos and create the movie. The kids love taking photos so much that they can even take a dozen shots at one sight.
This year’s camp was one of the most welcomed and participated by the kids. We budgeted for 120 people at most, but the number increased to 135 by the last day.
The Artist Mentors worked together with serious improvement in handling their sections. Though there were some challenges like controlling the kids, getting them in order for meals, and some other things, they were not things that the team could not handle.
It’s the least we can do for our community, and if we have the chance, we will do it over and over again!