Sounds of Hope CD Available
Hope Academy’s “Sounds of Hope” sampler CD is now available. The CD features 11 songs: 2 by the Hope Choir, 3 from the Strings of Hope,
2 original songs by Hope Choir Director Ebony Ramquist all recorded by Bruce Balgaard at Bruce Edward Music, and 4 original student compositions recorded by David Perez at Urban Ventures. Mastering was done by Rob Barrett at Third Street Music and graphic design by Luis Ferreiro at Digi Graphics.
The CD was presented as a gift to over 400 Hope Academy supporters who attended the “Evening of Hope” fund raising dessert last Thursday night November 11th. NOW YOU CAN GET YOUR COPY. Just make a donation to the work of Inverted Arts HERE by check, credit card or paypal account and we will send you a copy (min. suggested donation $10). You will find clips from some of the tracks HERE.